For Shreya Agarwal, the path to success has been an unconventional one, defying societal norms and forging her trail. Born in Dehradun, this ambitious woman was groomed at the prestigious Welham Girls’ School, where her inquisitive mind was nurtured, and her passion for social issues, politics, and world affairs blossomed.

After completing her schooling, Shreya pursued a law degree at the esteemed Symbiosis University in Pune. Upon graduation, she ventured to Delhi, where she honed her legal acumen at a reputable law firm, gaining valuable experience in the field.

However, Shreya’s thirst for knowledge knew no bounds, and she pursued a master’s degree from UCLA, broadening her horizons and embracing new perspectives. The COVID-19 pandemic, which brought the world to a standstill, unexpectedly paved the way for Shreya’s entrepreneurial spirit to flourish.

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During the lockdown, she found solace in her father’s and his friends’ restaurant – Cafe Turquoise Cottage, where she rediscovered her childhood love for experimenting with flavors and concocting culinary delights for her loved ones.

What began as a passion project soon evolved into a full-fledged entrepreneurial endeavor, as Shreya became its owner.

“I never envisioned myself as a restaurateur during my childhood,” Shreya confessed to our team. “But the kitchen has always been my sanctuary, a place where I could unleash my creativity and share my love for food with friends and family.”

Hailing from a reputable business family, Shreya’s foray into the culinary world may seem unexpected, but she attributes her success to the universal law of attraction.

Shreya is not planning to rest on her laurels. She has set her sights on opening a resort in her hometown of Dehradun soon.

Cafe Turquoise Cottage was chosen as the Best Open-Air Café at Dehradun Food Awards 2024.




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