Hailing from the Sangaon (Thano) village of Dehradun, Avanish Chamoli, is a young and dynamic entrepreneur who happens to be the founder of PS Hearing & Speech.

After completing his education in Audiology & Speech therapy, Avanish also wanted to try his hand at the world of glitz and glam. The handsome hunk then went on to become a finalist in ‘Mr. Uttarakhand’ in 2017. This was his foray into the world of fashion.

During that time, one of Avanish’s cousins was suffering from some hearing disabilities. It was then that Avanish realized that there weren’t any reliable outlets to buy hearing equipment from in Uttarakhand. This led him to the idea of starting the PS Speech & Hearing Clinic to cater to the needs of those suffering from hearing or speech issues.

In the last 5 years, since the inception of the PS Speech & Hearing Clinic, the young entrepreneur has opened clinics in Dehradun, Kotdwar, Vikas Nagar, Haldwani, and Ponta Sahib with the turnover hitting the 1 crore mark recently!

His future plans include expansion into the states of Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh.
Looks like there’s absolutely no looking back for this young entrepreneur!




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