A woman from Haldwani has accused a male colleague for molestation. The girl from Haldwani worked in Gurugram with the male colleague. After committing the immodest act, the accused threatened her and asked her to keep quiet about it. Later he started posting lewd comments on social media account of the victim.
This persuaded the girl to tell the entire incident to her parents. Family members filed a FIR against the man. Police upon information registered a case against him for molestation and under the IT Act for harassment on social media. Sudhir Kashyap is the accused and had been working with the victim for few months in a factory at Gurugram.
They were on good terms at work and personally. Later the man took advantage of this friendship and molested the girl. He threatened her that he would kill her is she dare opened her mouth in front of anyone. The victim kept mom and returned to Haldwani.
The man still did not have enough of his evils and posted indecent picture and comments on her Facebook profile. Harassed and helpless the victim told the entire tragic incident to her parents. The case has been registered in the Banbhulpura police station. S. O. P. S. Negi told the press that the case has been file under the IT Act and for molestation and they have started investigating the matter.