Uttarakhand’s Kushagra Nautiyal has done the state proud by making his acting debut on India’s popular entertainment channel Zee TV’s popular show Kumkum Bhagya.

Zee TV’s hit show “Kumkum Bhagya” garnered a huge response with the new entry recently. Fans and critics alike have praised the acting skills of Kushagra Nautiyal, Who plays the character of Siddharth Kohli a.ka Sid.

Kushagra hails from the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand and spent his childhood in New Delhi. He is graduated from IHM Shimla.
Before stepping into acting Kushagra was a promising singer & music composer. He has released many cover songs & worked as an actor in Pahadi Song Dhalki Aankhyon Ma.

Kushagra has worked as a model as well. He has done commercial shoots for many brands including V-Mart,  Images Bazar etc.




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